Student Grants

Grants for High School Students

One of the main reasons that parents make saving for their children’s education a top priority is to provide a secure future. With every year of post-secondary education or training, there is a greater likelihood of increased lifetime earnings.

Getting Started

Quite often, parents and grandparents begin saving for their children’s education early, but fail to plan early for the education itself. An early start helps with planning high school courses so that pre-requisites for college majors and future training are in place before applying for admission.

Students should at least choose a broad career interest by the end of middle school such as health care, technology, human and public services, business or education so that they can schedule appropriate courses in high school.

Setting a career goal early also provides the advantage of being able to focus the search for financial aid. Parents and students must determine if financial aid sources require completion of certain courses, participation in extra-curricular organizations or involvement in community service activities.

Fortunately, high school seniors who plan ahead will obtain assistance in paying for tuition, books, and even some living expenses. Unfortunately, finding the right scholarships, grants or loans takes time and diligence. High school guidance offices are usually the first to receive information regarding current financial aid resources. School and public librarians can also help with locating print and internet sources.

Ambitious students can find multiple sources for financial aid. Some are listed here as examples of the types of opportunities available. Ultimately, the possibilities for aid are abundant, and finding them can be a full-time endeavor.

Finding Accessible Sources

A post-secondary education is always less expensive at home-state institutions. Anyone interested in earning a degree in another state should weigh the differences in costs and consider establishing residency prior to the first semester. Each institution determines the length of residency needed to qualify as a state resident.

Not only do four-year universities provide aid, but technical and community colleges do so as well. In New Jersey, Gloucester County College has 78 scholarships available in 2011.

The first places to look for financial aid are the ones offered by special groups and organizations. For instance, students in Rhode Island can apply for a scholarship from Fundacao Faialense, Inc. if they are of Portuguese heritage.
Parents who save up for college will save even more by contributing the same amount to a pre-paid tuition plan.

Maryland provides a guarantee that college tuition will not increase for students who have prepaid their college tuition. A state Legislative Guarantee supports the program that allows parents to choose how many semesters they want to prepay. The plan is explained at Maryland Prepaid College Trust.

Besides the many campus-based, sports-related scholarships and internships, college bands or other extra-curricular programs may offer very attractive tuition assistance for participation. These programs expect a commitment of time or services in exchange for financial or housing assistance. Although participating in the band can be fairly time consuming, the programs work with the students’ college schedules and classes. Band membership usually requires an audition to earn a financial award.

Federal Sources for Student Aid

In order to apply for federal aid, applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Information on the form determines the amount of aid each student can access. The FAFSA is also used to apply for some state grants, such as the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students (TOPS) available to any student in Louisiana who meets requirements. Seniors should apply for this early in the second semester of high school to ensure that they have the application in place by the end of the senior year.

The federal government offers financial aid through grants and loans, including Pell Grants and Stafford Loans. Pell Grants do not have to be repaid; however, interest on some types of Stafford Loans must be paid during college years or added to the principal after graduation when repayment begins .

Congress has enacted the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) program that provides up to $4000 annually; however, participants must commit to teaching in schools that serve lower income families for at least four years.
Undergraduates can pursue the Academic Competitiveness Grant and add $750 in their first year and up to $1300 for the second year of study. Recipients must have a Pell Grant and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA to earn this award.

Pell Grant recipients can add to their aid package with the National Smart Grant. An additional $4000 is available for third and fourth year undergraduates pursuing specified majors. Recipients must achieve and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above to take advantage of this grant.
Although not all schools participate in the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), the Federal Work-Study or the Federal Perkins Loan programs, some schools do offer these resources. Again, applicants must have completed and filed the FAFSA in order to be considered for the assistance.

Participation in Americorps helps to pay off loans while working in community service through the sponsorship of theSegal AmeriCorps Education Award. The monetary award pays expenses while attending college.
Undergraduates can also earn tuition assistance while participating in an internship with the Central Intelligence Agency Undergraduate Training Program .

State and National Scholarship and Grant Opportunities

By far, the greatest number of scholarships is available through universities, colleges and school districts. Every state college has some type of easily attained awards for seniors with qualifying scores on ACT or SAT test

State Department of Education websites are good places to start looking for aid. Another source for comprehensive information on offerings in each state is

Montana Undergraduate Exchange offers a $60,000 Achievement Award for Freshman at Montana State University who have earned a 33 or higher on the ACT or a 2140 or higher on the SAT for Fall 2011. In order to foster a diverse student body, the university has some very generous awards for non-residents who have high scores.

Robert C. Byrd Scholarships are offered in each state. They are federally funded and average $1500 per student. Academically advanced seniors who earn specific scores on the ACT are eligible. The funds are available for no less than one year and no more than 4 years.

The William Randolph Hearst Foundation sponsors two winners from each state. Winning applicants get a $5000 scholarship and a trip to Washington D.C. The website provides information.

National Merit Scholarships Program, a privately funded program, awards between $500 and $2000 annually for up to 4 years. Winners must earn qualifying scores on the Preliminary SAT / National Merit Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMQT), which is given during the 10th grade. Current information is available on the National Merit Program’s website.

Funding through Associations, Employers and Businesses

Parents should check with their employers as a source of financial aid because some companies have programs in place that may help their employees’ children. One example of this type of opportunity is the United States Postal Service. It assists employees’ children after three years of continuous employment. Some business organizations hope to attract graduates to their fields with scholarships. Many community groups adopt education as their focus and offer awards to high school graduates.

Sallie Mae is a private source for student loans. Interest rates on the loans are currently as low as 2.87% up to 10.21%, depending on financial need. The organization offers to lower the rate of interest for auto-debit accounts and for timely loan payments.

National fraternal organizations usually have scholarships for high school seniors. Check websites for groups like the American Legion, Woodmen of the World and Daughters of the American Revolution , as well as local civic and social clubs.

Aviation groups in Montana and Rhode Island offer annual awards to state residents. Montana’s Department of Transportation’s scholarship comes with opportunities for flight training. Rhode Island’s Pilots Association is the provider for that state. Most states have associations and interest groups that sponsor deserving seniors. Further research will likely turn up more assistance from a wide variety of interest groups.

Resources for minorities and Students with Special Needs

Quite often, campus-based scholarships are obtainable for applicants with special needs. One such program is Barbara Bird & Lilyiane O’Neal Special Needs at Washington State University. Most likely, almost every large campus has similar offerings.

Seniors who have overcome adversity and show financial need can apply for Horatio Alger Scholarship , even if they will have a General Education Diploma (GED) instead of a traditional high school diploma.

With an emphasis on helping minority and low-income students, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation offers annual scholarships for the purpose of promoting public service and leadership.

Autistic students can find a listing of financial sources at Disabled World.

Visually impaired students should go to the American Foundation for the Blind to find information and to submit applications for 2011.

For Native Americans, the American Indian College Fund supports both tribal colleges as well as mainstream college financial aid.

Unexpected Scholarship Resources

Seniors should look into special-interest groups as resources. A quick internet search turns up some unusual sources that offer financial aid. Hunters may be surprised to find aid for those skilled in duck calling and sweet-lovers will be surprised to find something that supports their particular interest.

The National Candy Technologists Scholarship rewards pupils interested in future work with candy and sweets.

Very tall or very short people can apply for aid from The Tall Clubs International Students Scholarships or The Little People of America Scholarships

The Frederick and Mary F. Becley Scholarship awards $1000 to those who are left-handed.

Look for more unusual scholarships like those that reward candy connoisseurs or skilled surfers, bowlers, video-gamers or skateboarders.

Clearly, anyone can find some niche to fit into for potential student aid. The key is to start early, to research often, and to complete all the steps in resource acquisition for the future. While starting as a high school senior will garner some success, it is much more likely that a student will be successful in procuring aid by starting preparations at the beginning of high school or even earlier.

The most important part of the process occurs when the student works continuously to achieve his or her highest level in high school. Many aid providers look for applicants who show consistent achievement as well as civic and social responsibility. A successful student must demonstrate interest in the community along with academics. Involvement in civic organizations can be the deciding factor in winning a scholarship or grant.

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Student Grants, 4.50 out of 5 based on 2 rating


  • Reply Kijange Osborne July 16, 2011 at 8:18 am


    Dear Sponsors


    I would like to thank you Sponsors for you God given Heart for helping orphans and needy children .Please allow me introduce myself. I am Kijange Osborne, a Ugandan by birth, age 22yrs,a student in my last year in High school. Male by sex, single and Honest and trusted person and I love to make others feel important .and I am really blessed more on computer.


    .It was in 1989 when was Borne my Mother died in the Hospital of sickness because my Dad not take of her instead my Dad ran away and my Mothers family took care of me when she Died in the hospital because my dad Abondoned me while still a baby. But fortunately under the care of my Aunts though they mistreated me and ill treated me and they slow down my Education and made there children go a head up to University then I was taken and my Education was retarded by my Aunt and later my Dad came to claim me I accepted because I though he would treat me well. but even with His Richness he does not care for me when I am sick he does not take me to hospital and he at time ignores some of his Responsibilities making me stranded still suffering up to now because he cares less. I request you sponsors to come to my Aid help me complete my Educationesp Piloting course which is very expensive for a Ugandan to afford. and now it is even worse I donot know whether I will make to school this time.At times I lack scholarstic materials and we run away from the 25years of War by Lord resistance Army of Kony in Northern part of Uganda.


    Laptops, computers , Printers , telefax machines , fax machines, scanners, webcamb, digital cameras, phones and some computer soft ware for fighting viruses. This above needs will enable me to open up my internet café after college as a self employement,

    Personal shopping, motor cycle ,Cars and bicycles , land for business , television screen and Dvds players and some others.and also my own personal house.


    I will help you sponsors in the near future and take good care of you and your family if you help me.

    I will also enlarge others if u help me.


    This proposal is to ask you to sponsor my Education from college to university and also my 2 boys and one cousin.

    To be your Partner in Business and any of your organization.

    To enlarge others if you can.


    I request you sponsors to connect to many pen friends from Canada,America and Europe at any age and also need to get a lady from Canada or america i request you donate me with some laptops , Printers, fax Machines, Cameras , i-phones to help me in communication with you over there. i would love to become a professional pilot for both passengers and Carrying valuable materials because I am honest and trusted .i request you sponsors to help me begin my piloting study in Uganda for 2 to 3yrs and then join you in abroad , i love to study ICT, computer electrification and become a computer wizard, and also Air plane Engineering . i request you also aid my Education on small courses for computer Here in Uganda during my vacation and short holidays to help me in the near future .to help me get little employment in my Country,.


    To complete my education up to university.

    To make good mutual friendship.

    To help orphans and needy people and potential people.

    To get registered as a citizen of Canada or America.

    To buy shares from your companies in future.

    To creates business in Canada,USA, European countries and Uganda and work in the best International Airport in the world

    To Constuct Osborne Kijange International Airport in Kilak county in Uganda.

    To buy land and set up my house and commercial buildings.

    To complete my Education and raise my brothers,and relatives

    To form partnerships with many organization.

    To work with many Canadian , Americans and European organization and organization to help develop many poor people in my Northern Uganda which has suffered war for the past 25yrs

    To start an Internet Café, and also open up an Outlet in Uganda to sell computers, Printers, Cars and many things,

    To build hotels In Uganda and , many business ,form many companies in Canada., USA and European countries

    To help my Relatives and Friends study and grow.









    I kindly request you sponsors to help and I will work with you .

    I will be glad if my request is considered Please.

    Yours honestly

    Kijange Osborne

    • Reply lacey benner November 13, 2014 at 7:16 am

      Hi i’m lacey a single mother of 3. I have got to get my high school diploma or ged there is so much going on in my life and im reaching out for help. if we could talk I would greatly appreciate it. plz text to tell me who u are since I don’t answer numbers I don’t know and then can call u. please contact me, my kids lifes and mine needs help. 816-288-7391 thank u kindly

    • Reply Father Emmanuel February 15, 2022 at 9:31 am

      I am seeking help or grant to help or assist our poor students in my school. Please, if anyone knows of any NGO or Charity organizations to help in this regard, let me know.

  • Reply terry trout August 6, 2011 at 2:24 am

    im an 19 year old drop out and im looking to go back to school to get my high school deploma so that i can start with college so i can get too degrees one in medical and one in police acadamy i want to help better the united states if i could get some assistance it would be greatly appriciated

    God Bless

  • Reply William Harrison jackson, III December 9, 2011 at 4:40 pm

    I wish to apply for Rockford college and I am currently trying to apply for grants but currently am having a difficult time and would like assistance. You can reach me at my e-mail above and add me as your contact.I went to Miami Northwestern Senior Highschool, I played football for miami high senior highschool i had number 42 and I also ranned track number 21.

  • Reply Ian Russell Roush January 21, 2012 at 6:11 pm

    i am a 20 year old male looking to go back to school i drop out many times in high school and got my GED start of my junior year in high school. I am presently unemployed. I am a cook by trade and am looking to continue my education i would like to go back to school and learn business management. Also i would like to go to culinary arts school to better my skills as a cook. I wish to one day own a restaurant franchise.No one in my family can or has the means to help assist me in going to school and help by any means would be grand.

    sincerly and GOD BLESS

  • Reply SHAHZAID February 25, 2012 at 4:10 pm

    hello am 18 years old student . and i pass 10 class and now i wanna to join college but i cant because my father is a primary school teacher and father is a kidney patient since 2001 and still continue his dialysis and am very interested in computer but my father couldn’t help with me because my father is not afforded my education .i wanna to learn aboard country so plz help me and give some scholarship sides how i give scholarship then i started my learning in aboard country so plz help am very thankfull

  • Reply Mortisha Robison March 5, 2012 at 7:12 am

    I’m 21 years old and a single mother of 3. I dropped out of high school when I was pregnant with my first due to problem with that pregnancy. Right now I’m taking care of my father who just found out that he has bone cancer and he has been going in and out of the hospital since December now. He has had 3 blood transfusions from it. I do wish to higher my education by going back to High School. I’ve talked to the board of education here and they have found me a school online. But I can’t afford it….. Is there anything out there that can help me?

  • Reply Geraldine mills April 17, 2012 at 6:08 pm


  • Reply josie lopez April 27, 2012 at 5:02 pm

    My son is finishing his sophmore year with a 3.8 GPA. When do I start the FAFSA?

  • Reply taylor anderson July 8, 2012 at 6:34 am

    Hi im Taylor Anderson and im 14 years old , I was doing a project for myself to see what schools can help me in my future career . When I look into good high schools I seen that Friends Central High has ap classes , and those are the type of advantage that i would need inorder to get into a good medical school. The reason I am contacting you is because I reeally need a grant for $27,400.00 as tuition to get into Friend Central High school if i’m accepted. In conclusion, could you please give me a grant , I live in a single parent household so it really is hard. Please and Thank you for reading my comment.

  • Reply Jonathan Steven Buchanan July 13, 2012 at 1:40 pm

    I am a 15 year old high school student in need of help. I have a GPA of 4.2 and need help with technology in my home. I live in a family were money is tight and we can’t afford computers and other devices. My school is requiring more and more work done on a computer for homework and am in desperate need. I can not find a part time job anywhere to save up for a computer and internet. I pray that someone could possibly find a grant to give me a new and computer and internet or if someone could reach in their pocket and help me out of kindness. I pray that god blesses anyone that can help me out in some way.

  • Reply TETTEH BERNARD September 15, 2012 at 2:32 pm

    ACCOUNT NO.1102000088620101 [A.D.B. BANK]

  • Reply Crystal Stansfield November 27, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    Hello, I am seeking advice/help with trying to help my fiance’ come up with funds to send his daughter to Stanford University for a 10 day training camp for high school students interested in law. it is going to cost him a little over $3,000 dollars. She is a very hard working student and is excited about this opportunity. Is there anyone out there that might be able to help with some of the funding to get her there? the costs include study materials, dorm room stay, food, and will also cover any field trips off campus. Please let me know soon thank you.

  • Reply Cindy Nagar April 28, 2013 at 11:27 pm

    My name is Cindy Nagar… I’m 25 year old single mother of two little boys and I’m trying to go back to school to get my high school diploma and its hard because I’m having financial problems an I’m trying to finds grants to help me and I’ve had no luck.. Please help me

  • Reply Hannah reiswig May 15, 2013 at 5:45 pm

    I’m back in school I dropped out when I was 16 and in 9th grade and I can’t turn to anyone I have no family that can help me and I need help to stay at the place I’m at and a apt. That I’m getting and I need the money cuz I have a couple extra mouths to feed and I have to try to look for a new place but its really hard I’m just hoping you can help me out I would appreciate all that you can do for me thank you

  • Reply abdimajid hussein August 2, 2013 at 1:00 pm

    i am a 16 years old boy and i would like to be sponsored

  • Reply Kristen Markel September 6, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    My name is Kristen Markel, I am 16 and I am a Junior in High School. I come from what I suppose could be considered a (quote, un-quote) broken home. My parents divorced when I was three after the death of my little brother and my mother and I have been on our own ever since. All of my life my mother has worked two jobs to keep a roof over my head and food on the table. Recently (2 years ago) my mother met my new found step dad and we were doing really well financially until he got into his motorcycle accident and had to have surgery on his left shoulder and arm. He has been out of work for awhile now and we aren’t too sure when he’ll be released to go back. So now we are back to my mother being the only person supporting the household, only now she has to help my step father pay child support, medical bills, food and other necessary payments. As you may have guessed, I am now trying to get a job to help out around the house (which is becoming a difficult task) and keeping up with school so I may get a scholarship but a little extra could really help.

    I am not asking for sympathy, I am simply asking for help to continue on my path of education so I can become a Criminal Justice Attorney like I have always dreamed about.

    I thank you for taking the time to read and even consider my appeal for help. Thank you and God Bless.♥

  • Reply Kimberly Turner September 10, 2013 at 1:17 am

    Want to get started on my high school senior child’s plan for college admission. Probable 2 year Junior College then transfer to 4 year University. Looking for tips on what to do now, how to apply for grants, testing, deadlines for Fall 2014 admissions. Any help or tips? I’m just looking around on the internet now. Colleges are coming in to the school to meet students. Counselors are starting to meet with the kids. We have a Junior College in mind.

  • Reply Joshua Coulson March 23, 2014 at 12:35 am

    I am a half American half Australian high school student in Utah. I want to have a career in media development, particularly in game development, so I have applied for something called Jatc. Jatc is an extracurricular program offered at the Salt Lake Community College. In order to do my best in the class I need to understand the programs used extremely well. I want to be a game designer because I want to make something that everyone can enjoy and have fun participating in. I am able to post this request because I was given a Microsoft tablet for Christmas, but unfortunately the programs are for computers only. I am requesting a grant because I need a computer in order to study the development programs at home. Thank you for considering my request.

    Josh Coulson

  • Reply MAUREEN DINEO MOLELE March 25, 2014 at 10:41 am

    Hi my name is Dineo Molele ,my son is going to high school next year .
    i am a single parent and have a lot on me as i ma also raising my sisster’s son and paying the bond .i am trying to get my son a good high school for next year but i dont think i will have enough money to pay for the fees ,hence i am asking for a bussary for him ,he has never failed any grade and he is attending at Houghton Primary now .please help

    the school that he was interested at is ,Parktown boys ,Holly family and National schoolof arts.

  • Reply celestial love m. patricio April 19, 2014 at 11:40 am

    i’m a treasurer of a certain academy here in the philippines owned and manage by a seventh day adventist institution. i’m looking for any foundation who grants any students who are less fortunate to help them obtain their education. looking forward to your sincere response. thank you and God bless.

  • Reply Bessie Goff May 3, 2014 at 11:48 pm

    I’m not sure what to tell you .My daughter is wanting to go to college. We are need of help we have always taken care of children of need. I dropped the ball because I was caught up with kids that come into my house,and forgot about mine and college.. My daughter wants to help kids with her college education. We take hard to place kids and love it,now I’m trying to find help with her school.

  • Reply Tammy July 10, 2014 at 8:48 pm

    Hi i really don’t know what to tell you. I’m Tammy Collins I’m 16 years old I’m still in high school. I’m going into 10th grade. I was just wanting to start my nursing degree a little early for collage online until I get out of high school. Thank you so very much for your time to read this from me.

  • Reply EVELYN OMONYE EHIAGHE October 29, 2014 at 12:10 pm

    My name is evelyn omonye ehiaghe,I am 22 yrs old,A female,I lost my dad in 2007,my mum is financially handicap,I am in a higher institution in nigeria,I was working and schooling to be able to pay my fees but the company closed down in my third year,am presently in my final year in vocational and technical education(accounting) Ambrose alli university, ekpoma edo state,nigeria,pls I really need ur help,contact me for more detail 234-8079473667 or 2348165126604,Bank info guarantee trust bank,Evelyn omonye ehiaghe 0149105199,pls awaiting your reply,God bless you richly

  • Reply Matthew Mc Lawrence December 24, 2014 at 1:06 am

    Hi I’m Matthew, I grow up in a poor community in Dominica which is in the Caribbean. But it never stop me and achieving my goal which is to be a captain but to my past situation with my family I was unable to accomplish my high school Diploma. I heard of PennFoster but has no money to attend; I’m asking your financial support in aiding me to be educationally ready for the world.

    Thank you for your help in the future.

    • Reply chartercollegeaviation October 28, 2015 at 2:00 pm

      Some school grant programs are open to all students regardless of background or field of study. As with all school grants, funding may be provided by a variety of sources, including state governments, professional associations, corporations, colleges and universities.

  • Reply kiara harris February 5, 2018 at 12:08 am

    Hello, im a 21 year old single mother & im trying to get my high school diploma so i can get a good job , so i can support my son . i never knew how not having a high school diploma would have a HUGE impact on my life until now. Every job i applied to , i need a high school diploma. its very frustrating not having my diploma. I have no choice but to get my high school diploma . Working at a fast food restaurant is not what i wanna do in life so someone please help me !

  • Reply Lacha Robbins February 10, 2018 at 6:02 pm

    Hello, I am a veteran and a single parent of 4 boys. My 15 year old has an opportunity to go to Yale university for a 6 day class for national youth leadership and the cost is 2800.00. I am on a fixed income and my son really will like to go and I will like for him to get the college experience and the tools that he can gain from this experience. If you can help in anyway I would greatly appreciate it.

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