Student Grants

Cosmetology Grants

Cosmetology continues to be a very thriving field with many opportunities for wishing to pursue this career choice. There are numerous career-based grants and scholarships offered for students interested in Cosmetology, Cosmetic Arts and the Esthetics curriculum.

Different federal, state, and private organizations offer grants and scholarships to students pursuing certification in these fields. Many companies that are in the cosmetology and beauty industry provide support to students that are currently enrolled in a cosmetology program or are planning to pursue programs in the cosmetology field.

Most grants and scholarship require that students attend state certified schools or training facilities that offer programs in cosmetology. The following list summarizes many of the cosmetology grants and scholarships available and provides contact information for those wishing to apply for them.

Pell Grants

Pell Grants are federal grants that are awarded to students through their participating schools and institutions. The Pell Grants are based on financial need that is determined by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Primarily targeted toward low income students and families, a FAFSA will determine the financial need using standard elements about the applicant’s financial situation. These include items such as student income, parent income, household size, assets, and the number of other family members attending postsecondary institutions. Pell Grants were created by the Higher Education Act of 1965 and do not require repayment. The FAFSA forms can be found at: Fafsa.ed.Gov

American Health and Beauty Aids Institute Cosmetology Scholarship

The American Health and Beauty Aids Institute Cosmetology Scholarship (AHBAI) is offered by the Fred Luster, Sr. Education Foundation to students that are currently enrolled in or accepted by an approved cosmetic art training facility.

Criteria to receive the scholarships include having an 85 percent or higher average in course work and completion of at least 300 hours of school work. Other factors that are considered are extracurricular activities, previous competitions and awards, and attendance records. The scholarship awards are in the amounts of $250 for a total of $5,000. More information can be obtained at: Ahbai.Org.

American Association of Cosmetology Schools Scholarship

The American Association of Cosmetology Schools offers the American Cosmetology Education (ACE) Grant to individuals interested in pursuing a career in cosmetology. The grants are geared toward working individuals that want to earn a cosmetology license. A total of four awards in the amount of $1000 each are awarded each year. The criteria for selecting the recipient are based on their background, potential to achieve their goals, and on a written essay.

National Coalition of Estheticians Scholarship

The National Coalition of Estheticians Scholarship is offered by the National Coalition of Estheticians Manufacturers / Distributors and Associations (NCEA) for those pursuing training in as an esthetician, which is a more specialized area of cosmetology that deals with skin care, hair removal, make-up, and other treatments.

The $1,000 NCEA scholarships are offered to students that are midway through an esthetician program and have at least 80% attendance and an average of 80% in their grades.

National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology

The Aurie J. Gosnell Scholarship is offered by the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology to full-time students studying and training in the cosmetology field. To apply for the $1,250 scholarship, applicants must be enrolled in a state licensed program, not be receiving any other scholarship, and must be a full-time student prior to receiving the award. In the event the student does not complete the cosmetology program, they will have to repay the scholarship.

The Joe Francis Haircare Scholarship

Established in the memory of Joe Francis, a businessman who began with humble beginnings and built a world-wide haircare company, the Joe Francis Haircare Scholarship is for deserving students pursuing long-term careers in the cosmetology field. The Joe Francis Haircare Scholarship Foundation was established in 1994 and issues $1,000 scholarships to those selected by a committee.

Applicants must submit an essay, letters of recommendation, and meet the scholarship requirements which are based on financial need, interests, and career goals. Additional information and the application can be obtained at: JoeFrancis.Com.

OPI Cosmetology Scholarship

OPI is a leading company in the professional beauty industry and is recognized worldwide for its beauty products. OPI supports aspiring students in the Nail Technology and Cosmetology programs through scholarships from the Schaeffer Family Foundation. OPI offers two $500 cosmetology scholarships to each year to students enrolled in a qualifying OPI Preferred Nail Technology or Cosmetology program. Applicants must complete an essay and have a recommendation from a licensed beauty professional. They must also satisfy the requirements from their particular state. The application and additional information is available at: OPI.Com.

Sports Clips Scholarships

Sports Clips is one of the fastest growing men’s and boy’s haircare franchises in the United States. To provide opportunities for financial support to students pursuing careers in the haircare industry, Sports Clips awards $5,000 in scholarship funds and $1,000 in individual scholarships to students who meet the requirements that include an essay and academic standards. More information can be obtained by contacting the Sport Clips Director of Career Opportunities at the company’s corporate headquarters in Georgetown, Texas. The phone number is 512-630-6403. The company website is www.sportsclips.com.

PBA/NCA Sally Beauty Scholarships

Sally Beauty Holdings, the owner of professional beauty supply stores across the country, offers scholarships to those pursuing educational opportunities in the beauty and cosmetology fields. Sally Beauty coordinates with the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) and the National Cosmetology Association (NCA) to provide scholarships in two categories.

One category targets high school graduates who are pursuing education in the cosmetology profession. Seven $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year. For current PBA and NCA members that are continuing their education in the cosmetology field, six $500 scholarships are available for these members. More information can be found at: SallyBeauty.Com.

Future Salon Professional Scholarship

Regis Corporation, the world’s largest hair salon chain, created the Future Salon Professional Scholarship to recognize African Americans seeking to become professionals in the cosmetology industry. In order to receive the grant, Non-Pell Grant eligible African American students must meet the admissions requirements of the Empire Education Group.

The Empire Education Group review committee will consider their application for scholarships that can amount up to $1000. The application can be downloaded at: Empire.Edu. Additional information can also be obtained from the website.

Empire Kids Peace Educational Endowment

Geared toward students who were or are residents of the Kid’s Peace Facility, the Empire Kids Peace Educational Endowment provides endowments five times per year to first time cosmetology students. Students must meet admission requirements and must provide confirmation from the Kid’s Peace Facility that they were residents of the facility. This information can come from the Facility Representative, Facility Supervisor or an individual counselor. Additional information can be obtained at: Empire.Edu.

Empire Gives Back Cosmetology Educational Endowment Program

This endowment program was started to assist residents of shelters in attending any of the Empire Beauty Schools located across the country to receive training in cosmetology program. The program is also one of the ways that the Empire Beauty Schools give back to the community.

The Empire Gives Back Cosmetology Educational Endowment Program awards one endowment per year. The shelter residents must provide confirmation from their facility that they have been a resident within the last 6 months prior to application. Additional information can be obtained at: Empire.Edu.

National Educator Scholarship

The National Educator Scholarship was established to support students enrolled in the Educator Training Program. Also known as the Gloria Sidell Scholarship provides scholarships for students who have completed Empire Education Group’s Cosmetology/Hairstyling Program. Students must have an application on file for the State board license and have satisfactory attendance of at least 75% and satisfactory academics of at least 80%.

A recommendation from an instructor and an interview with the School Director rounds out the requirements for the scholarship. For non-program applicants they must have a high school diploma or GED, a current Cosmetology license is necessary in addition to the academic progress of 80%. An interview with the School Director is also required.

Farouk Systems USA/AACS Cosmetology Scholarship

The American Association of Cosmetology Schools (AACS) awards six Farouk Systems USA/AACS Cosmetology Scholarships each year to students that attend AACS member schools. The $1,000 scholarships can be applied toward tuition and education expenses at the AACS member school. Awardees are chosen by a selection committee comprised of representatives from Farouk Systems USA that determine the winners based on financial need and a written essay.

CND Scholarship

Creative Nail Design, Inc., (CND) is a leading worldwide company providing professional nail care products. In addition to their products and services, the company offers educational support to salon and spa professionals. CND offers a scholarship for cosmetology students pursuing a nail only program. One $500 scholarship is awarded to a student attending an AACS member school. It is issued through the ACE Scholarship Program.

Dream Shears/Trade Essentials Scholarship

The American Association of Cosmetology Schools (AACS) sponsors the Dream Shears/Trade Essentials Scholarship program that awards multiple $500 scholarships. Students that attend an AACS member school and are in good standing with at least 80% grade average, have 80% attendance, and can demonstrate financial need are eligible for the award.

A 500-800 word typed essay that outlines their financial need and their career goals for cosmetology is also required.

Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts Makeup Scholarship

For those wanting to pursue an education as a makeup artist, the Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts Makeup Scholarship is targeted to them. The Westmore Academy of Cosmetic Arts is a post-graduate school that specializes in Makeup Artistry. The school is well-connected in the Hollywood industry and focuses on high fashion, commercial photography and related areas.

Applicants for the scholarship must complete a 500-word essay and must have 80% or higher grade point average. Six grants of $1100 are offered to those studying Master Makeup and six scholarships of $1300 are awarded to students pursuing makeup in motion pictures, television, photo shoots, and other glamour areas.

Pat Goins Memorial Scholarship Program

The Pat Goins Memorial Scholarship Program is named after Pat Goins who was an active and long-standing member of the American Association of Cosmetology Schools (AACS). Multiple scholarships are awarded in the amount of $1,000. The applicants must be cosmetology students enrolled in an AACS member school.

Alice Madden Barton Scholarship Program

The Alice Madden Barton Scholarship Program offers scholarships for cosmetology or barbering students. Issued twice a year, the scholarships are geared toward applicants that demonstrate a passion for the cosmetology or barbering crafts and are dedicated to developing their talents in the profession.

The Alice Madden Barton Scholarship Program is offered in conjunction with Great Clips, a national franchise of hair salons. More information and the application can be accessed at: GreatClips.Com

“Education Rocks” Scholarship

This scholarship is offered to students pursuing cosmetology and planning a career in the beauty industry. One annual $250 “Education Rocks” Scholarship is available to those who apply at the Kathy Jager & Associates website: KathyJager.Com

Maureen Baldwin Cosmetology Scholarship

The Maureen Baldwin Cosmetology Scholarship is available for full-time students enrolled in the Cosmetology program at Highland Community College in Freeport, Illinois. More information about the award and how to apply for it can be found at:


Vernon’s Kansas School of Cosmetology Grants

Grants for students pursuing a cosmetology education is available at Vernon’s Kansas School of Cosmetology. The school is located in Wichita, Kansas. Awardees receive the grants based on the student’s financial need and personal background. More information can be obtained at the school’s website.

Cal Grants and Competitive Awards

Several different grant programs are available from the State of California through its California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) for undergraduate students that are residents of California. Grant A, B, and C Programs offer funds that may range up to $9700 for tuition and fees.

The Cal Grant C Program is geared towards vocational and community colleges which encompasses many of the institutions in California that have the Cosmetology curriculum. The Cal Grant C award is $576 and can be applied toward books, equipment, and tools. The Cal Grant B Competitive Award requires students to have a minimum 2.0 GPA and come from disadvantaged and low-income families. Their program of study must be at least one year in length to qualify for this award.

Oregon Barber and Hairdresser (B&H) Grant Program

The Oregon Barber and Hairdresser (B&H) Grant Program provides financial assistance to residents of Oregon who are attending or will attend a licensed school of cosmetology, barbering, hair design, or manicure in Oregon. The program must also participate in the Federal Title IV financial programs. Students must be enrolled full-time in programs that are at least nine months long.

The one-time awards are targeted more towards students with compelling financial need. Students can apply for (B&H) Grant Program grants by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. To get further information, visit the Oregon Student Assistant Commission website at: GetCollegeFunds.Org

Casal Aveda Institute Scholarship Contest

The Casal Aveda Institute Scholarship Contest is offered to students that complete the application and write an essay to receive one annual award in Cosmetology and one award in Esthiology. The application also contains a number of questions that are used to help determine the scholarship winner. The Casal Aveda Institute, located in Austintown, Ohio, has additional information about the scholarship contest that can be found at: CasalaVeda.Com

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  • Reply Emily Sebree May 25, 2011 at 11:15 pm

    I am trying to find on-line applications for grants or scholarships for Regency Beauty Institute in Eastgate,Ohio one that doesn’t want a credit card number just for looking or one that is going to have someone call me about going to school online when I am clearly trying to go to school for cosmetology Can anybody help me Please!!!!!

  • Reply Janna Amin May 30, 2011 at 8:16 pm

    Please email me links to current information on grants for cosmetology students. I will be enrolled in beauty school starting August 22, 2011. I will be receiving a small grant but am in need of further assistance.

  • Reply eseoghene2007@yahoo.com June 6, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    i wouls really appreciateit if i could get a beauty school that can sponsor my training

  • Reply Danielle August 12, 2011 at 4:14 am

    I am completely lost in finding a way to pay for school, My dream is to go to beauty school. I didn’t qualify for any financial aid, but have no way to pay for school any help would be much appreciated. thank you!

  • Reply Mothmainna Hossain September 15, 2011 at 7:28 am

    I live in Bangladesh & have completed a 4 years undergrad program in Business Administration from BRAC University Bangladesh. I now want to establish my career in Cosmetology & want to study in a Canadian beauty school. But I need serious financial aids. I can also work in the school that will train me.
    Please suggest me how can I apply for scholarships & admissions in a Canadian beauty school.

    I am a 25 yrs old Bangladeshi lady

    Thanks & Regards.

  • Reply Angela October 29, 2011 at 6:53 pm

    I am enrolled at Aveda Institute and I am need of some grants and/or scholaships to cover the out of pocket cost. If anyone has any information they can share that would be wonderful. I am married with children who have disabilites so I don’t know if there are some grants that I could receive. I am also a displaced worker. Thanks in advance……

  • Reply Linda nyasha mukoroverwa November 23, 2011 at 10:46 am

    I am 4rom Zimbabwe recently completed my national certificate in cosmetology,.i would like to further my studies bt can not afford to do so,also am very willing to study abroad bt i cant afford that eithet,.looking 4or assistance from those willing 2o help

    Thank you

  • Reply Katie December 9, 2011 at 4:38 pm

    I am looking for a grant for cosmotology school. I don’t have enough financial aid to go and can’t approved for a sallie mae loan. I am unemployed and don’t have credit to get a personal loan, If anyone knows of a good grant or scholarship I can apply for to help me out… let me know

  • Reply Gina Ontiveros December 15, 2011 at 5:30 am

    I am a 21 year Old currently enrolled full-time at Marinello School of Beauty In Stockton, Ca. My final cost of Tuition is over $21,000. As a single mother of one,a son age 3, I am in need of any kind of scholarship specifically awarding funds to a student in need of living expenses. I would greatly appreciate if known sources are addressed through email.

    thanks a bunch:]


  • Reply Debra Colboch February 12, 2012 at 2:58 am

    Hello I am looking for grants to go to Tennessee Institute of Cosmetology (they do not offer any kind of aid). I am unemployed and living with my parents, only one is working and the other disabled. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

  • Reply shantrice brown February 17, 2012 at 5:03 pm

    I am a 31 yr female who suffers from depression I have a positve attitude about the situation. I am an exceptional hairstylist. I want to become a trainned and licencse professional and in doing so I know that depression is a disease that can be beaten.

  • Reply Ebony July 31, 2012 at 3:12 pm

    I am 20 years old, from New Orleans and have skills that I never imagined .
    The school I want to attend is called Manuel and Theresa hair school
    Doing hair is one of my gifts and I love doing it. I t would be a hon or
    If you could help me out .


  • Reply joh wilson jr August 17, 2012 at 10:22 pm

    i am interested in attending an apprenticeship program to become a barber ,i can cut hair now, real good now, but i must have a license to , i need 1000.00 by sept 8 to attend school at martinez ault school program

  • Reply Michelle Vanek February 17, 2013 at 4:34 am

    I’m looking for scholarships and stipends for cosmetology school. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

  • Reply Miray Kahwaji January 19, 2014 at 12:46 am

    I am 18 years old, and I currently live in Ottawa Ontario.
    My biggest dream is to become a Makeup artist. I have applied to CMU cosmetology school in toronto and have been accepted to enrol in it starting September 2014. It would be greatly appreciated if I could be sponsored by a beauty school for my training, or some kind of scholarship to help aid me through this career!
    Thank you so much!!

  • Reply Dorcas Shamba March 19, 2014 at 7:35 pm

    My name is Dorcas Shamba & lm 19 years of age.l have finished my certificate & diploma level of cosmetology.l now want to proceed further but due to our family finances it seems impossible now.Your help can make my dream impossible again & will be greatly appreciated in advance.

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