Any woman who is determined to go back to school and needs financial aid to do so can find funding to help with her education. There are a number of grants, scholarships and loans available to women today. Though many are small in amount it’s possible to get more than one grant or scholarship for the woman who puts the effort into finding grants and scholarships and the work into applying for them.
How do women find grants and scholarships?
There are many paths to finding the money to attend post-secondary school.
Before following those paths, first apply for a Federal Pell Grant, which will be granted for any degree program as well as for certain vocational courses such as nursing. Pell grants are given to any prospective or ongoing student who has the financial need and meets the program requirements. Approximately 5,400 institutes of higher learning have been approved for Pell Grant funding.
The amount awarded depends on financial need, the tuition costs of the school chosen, status as a full-time or part-time student, and how long the student plans to attend school. Pell grants are by far the easiest to obtain since they’re issued by the Federal Government and based solely on need as long as other basic requirements are met. Students can apply for Pell Grants online which ensures the fastest response time to an application.
The two things most important in applying for Pell Grants are to pay attention to the filing deadline for the school’s semester or term and to fill out the application completely.
The reason students should apply for Pell Grants first is because the Pell Grant application process uses the FAFSA system, which also is the application process for many other Federal programs for educational funding, whether they are needs based programs or merit based programs. Applying for Pell Grants gets student information into the system.
Students with exceptional financial need should also apply for the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program which is also administered through the FAFSA system. There are many other grant and scholarship programs tied together through FAFSA.
Students should also apply at the State level for any grant money available through State programs.
Union Members
If one or both parents are union members there are often grant or scholarship funds available to student children or spouses of union members. Check with the specific union’s local branch to see what programs are available.
Military Families and Veterans
Military families that have financial aid needs should check the Department of Defense website which links to many of the organizations which offer financial aid to students from military families. Student children and student spouses of members of the Armed Services may also qualify for Fisher House Foundation Education Scholarships for Military family members.
Veterans have educational benefits available through the GI Bill Some veterans may be eligible to transfer GI Bill benefits to a spouse or dependent children so any student with a parent who is a veteran should check eligibility for this type of transfer if their parent doesn’t plan to use their GI Bill benefits.
General Information
When researching programs it is always wise for the student to work with a financial aid counselor at the student’s chosen school since there are often programs available specifically for students of that school that have been set up by the alumni associations or individual alumni.
Often there are local companies and corporations that offer grant money through the local colleges for programs in which they have employment needs. These school specific grants and scholarships are often easier to obtain since there is less competition for them than for the state or national programs.
Other paths to educational funding depend on the type of program the student wishes to pursue, the age of the student, the student’s racial profile, whether the student is a single mother or divorced, and a host of other factors.
Grants and Scholarships Specifically for Women
- The American Association of University Women offers scholarships through their state and local branch offices. Amounts and criteria vary by region. They also offer a portal to many other grant and scholarship resources from both non-profit and corporate sources as well as links to demographic-specific scholarship resource lists.
- The Philanthropic Educational Organization offers both needs based and merit based scholarships, grants and loans to women. Some are for who wish to continue their interrupted education, others are for women who are just finishing high school. Programs are administered through local chapters, and the amounts and criteria vary by region and by program.
- The Talbot Scholarship Foundation offers scholarships to women in the US or Canada who are returning to school to complete at least two semesters for an undergraduate degree. Talbot’s Charitable Foundation also awards smaller scholarships in communities in which Talbots maintains a corporate presence. These are given out through the applicable local high schools.
- The Emerge Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to women who have had their education interrupted or who have overcome obstacles and wish to return to finish school. These are merit based awards given to women who have given back to their communities.
- The AARP Foundation offers scholarships to women age 50 or older who are pursuing either a technical or vocational education, an associates degree or their first bachelor’s degree. Priority is given to women who have faced challenges such as raising the children of another family member, working in a low paying job with no significant benefits, or who have been out of work for five years or more. Needs and merit are both considered in awarding these scholarships.
- The Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to low income women aged 35 and older who are pursuing a degree or vocational training.
Vocation Specific Grants and Scholarships
Any prospective student who wishes to enroll in a nursing program should first check with the local hospitals to see if there are any educational funding opportunities and which school’s nursing programs they will fund.
Often in areas where there is a nursing shortage the local hospitals will offer grant or scholarship funds in exchange for a commitment from the student to work for that hospital for a set number of years after graduating from the nursing program and obtaining certification. In some cases the funding will equal as much as 100% of the nursing program’s tuition.
Students who expect no family contribution to their nursing program education, and who exhibit sufficient financial need may qualify for the nursing scholarship program administered by the US Health Resources and Services Administration.
Upon graduation and certification, nurses will be expected to work for two years at certain health facilities where there is a nursing shortage. Nurses will be able to negotiate their own salary and benefits package when arranging to fulfill their service requirement.
African American students who wish to enroll in a nursing program can apply for one of many scholarship programs available through the National Black Nurses Association.
African American students from the Kansas City area can apply for the General Hospital #2 Nurses Alumnae Scholarship Program if they’re attending school in the greater Kansas City area.
Most states also have grants and scholarships available to those who wish to be a nurse.
Health Services Fields
For those who wish to pursue careers as physicians, dentists, family nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, or physician’s assistants, the National Health Service Corps Scholarship pays tuition, required fees and some other educational costs for up to four years tax free and also supplies a small taxable monthly living stipend. There is a service commitment upon completion of the program of one year’s service in a job in an area which is experiencing a shortage of health professionals for each year of support.
Service jobs may include working at any Federally supported health center, which may include Indian Health Service clinics, managed care networks, prisons, rural health clinics, public health department clinics and other Federal health sites. Scholars negotiate their own salary, but NHSC regulations require that they be paid equivalent to a Federal civil service employee in a similar position.
The Health Resources and Services Administration administers Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students who wish to work in the health professons or nursing, which is a needs based scholarship.
Public Service Fields
Students who wish to enter public service can apply for the Harry S. Truman Foundation Scholarship, a merit based scholarship which has a 3-7 year service requirement upon completion of school. Because scholarship awards are generous this program is highly competitive.
The Accounting Field
The Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting offers a number of scholarships for women who wish to pursue Accounting degrees. Some are needs based and some are merit based.
Science and/or Math
The National SMART Grant is a Federal Grant available for the third and fourth year of undergraduate study to students in an undergrad degree program in life sciences, physical sciences, computer sciences, technology, math, specific foreign languages, or engineering who have been maintaining a 3.0 or better GPA in a 4.0 scale as of the end of their second undergrad year. Students must also be Pell Grant eligible during the same award year.
The Brookhaven Women in Science of Brookhaven National Laboratory sponsor the Renate W. Chasman Scholarship, which is a merit based scholarship for women returning to school to complete a degree in engineering, the natural sciences or in mathematics. Applicants must be residents of Long Island, NY.
The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship is a merit scholarship for women returning to school to pursue a career in technology. Google also offers other tech field scholarships for Hispanics, in partnership with Lime for students with disabilities, for Native Americans, and in partnership with the United Negro College Fund.
For those wishing to enter the field of primary or secondary school teaching the TEACH Grant Program is a Federal Grant administered through the FAFSA application process. It’s intended for future teachers who intend to teach in a school that serves low income families. There is a service requirement upon teacher certification requiring the recipient to accept employment as a teacher in a high need field and region.
There are specific shortage areas that are covered such as bilingual education, foreign language, math, reading specialist, science, and special education. There may also be other regional teacher shortage subject areas at the time of application.
Most states also have grants and scholarships available to those who wish to teach.
The Children’s Music Workshop maintains a very comprehensive list of places to apply for music grants and scholarships.
Grants for Specific Demographics
Along with women-specific funding, there are also many programs for other specific demographic groups to which the student may also belong. Here are a few of note:
- The United Negro College Fund
- Hispanic College Fund
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Hispanic Heritage Foundation
- Disabled World Disability Scholarships List
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Bureau of Indian Education
- Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
Additions to Grants and Scholarships
If, for some reason, a student comes up short on grant funding, then there are Federal Direct Stafford Loans, Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Federal Direct PLUS Loans, and Federal Direct Consolidation Loans. There is also a Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, which was designed to encourage graduates to enter public service jobs.
There are strict guidelines for this program, but it may be a good option for getting out from under a student loan burden while working at a paying job helping others and gaining valuable on the job experience.
I have been accepted to study Bachelor of Science. International Business and l would like to find out from you how l can access funding for my studies. I am a Zimbabwean women, living in Cape Town and Colorado Technical University has accepted me as a student. However, l need help in getting funding to pay for my fees. Can you help me? Thank you Rose Goto
hi my name is sarahh i need help to back school please help me call 919 896 6224
hi, I’m finally able to go to college and I’m trying to find grants that can help me. i recently got laid off and my husband and i raise one son together. i’ll only be able to go part time, but i want to get my associates degree in physical therapy or occupational therapy. We need something that is more secure for our futures. factory work just doesn’t cut it anymore and this is my one and only shot to go back to school. please help
My story is SO similar to yours. I raised 2 boys & have a low paying job. My hubby got laid off. I want to go back to school for occupational therapy. Were you able to find any resources that were helpful? I really hope so!
I’m in the same boat. My boyfriend and I are raising our 8 1/2 month old son, and I got laid off last month due to my store closing. I’m looking for extra money out there that would be able to help out with getting my RN degree. I can’t seem to find any scholarships that fit my needs.
Hello,i am a 41 year old out of work woman,who is looking to better my life.I wish to return to school so i can support myself and be a productive member of my community.I have no savings no 401k no health ins. etc.I would like to get into the health field.If you could help in any way,that would be wonderful.Thank you for your time.
Hello, I am a 44 yr old mother who, married with a college freshman. I am ready to return to school to finish my masters in counseling. I will need financial assistance but do not want to hinder my daughters loan/grants eligbility. What is my best course of action?
was cut from my teaching position and moved home–still to no teaching jobs. I was accepted at our local community college for halth services- not sure of the direction I am going in. I have a BS in helath ed, PE, and biology;<from UNCWilmington; am a NC certified trainer from Wake Forest. In order to go back to school full time I will need grants and loans to cover books, supplies, tuition, and on top of that rent, electric, phone and internet for aschool; groceries and gas. Big measure. Never in my life did I think I would be starting over at 54.
Hi Jan – I am with you there. I lost everything in the mortgage mess and lived in a tent surrounded by coyotes and rattlesnakes in Colorado. I did find a job which I held for 2 years but a drunk member of the organization I worked for got me fired. So now, here I am at 62 looking for a new career. Who would have thought. All my friends early retired and I need to start over, totally. Good luck to us both.
I am looking for financial assistance for CNA Certified Nursing Assistance. If anyone knows how/where to find this I certainly appreciate your assistance. Thanks
Many nursing homes offer in house C.N.A certification or will pay for your course.
26 years as a science teacher and athletic trainer–resign to move to system closer to home and was cut–home- no jobs– working in my rural area (staying bc of family)–i have a BA and graduate classes– I am barely paying my bills but I want to return to school–since I am not eligible for a PELL, i have applied for the STAFFORD, but in order to live-rent-elect-food-gas-etc I need other loan options or grants. help.
Iam looking to go back to school, I have a student loan in default from a long time ago do to unfor seen things that happened.Need some help.
Call Dept of Education (202-401-1576). They will tell you who you need to call in order to begin paying your loans back. Tell them that you need a “rehabilitation” program for your loans. You can start paying small payments and in a few months you will be eligible to apply for new student aid to go back to school.
I am a 54 year old woman who would like to go back to school to get a degree in herbal and holistic medicine. Please advise me the best way to find grants or any kind of financial aide I might be entitled to. Thanks so much
I am a 25 year old woman looking to go back to school again after a severe injury that I sustained at a technical school. I am looking for any available grants to help me obtain a higher education so I may go back into the work force. Unfortunately, my injury is what is preventing me from doing the work I used to do as a Professional Restauranteer and with the current economy, I am at great risk for loosing my home because I can not find work. I am applying to Montana State University for the Fall Semester and I need assistance in finding grants available to me to help pay for schooling and my cost of living so I may attend as a full time student. This is my last option to get back into the work force and any advice or help would be appreciated beyond belief.
My name is Stacey Crosby and I am a 42 year old disabled woman. I am in school through the social security admin. waiver but i still need money for my books and fees. Could you please help? I am on a fixed income and really need helpwith this because i want to complete my schooling.
I am a widow who is supporting two children. I went back to school and received my B.S. in health administration (GPA – 3.76) but I have been unable to obtain a position making anywhere near what I expected with my degree (currently around $22,000/yr). I am now attempting to go back to school for a MBA to hopefully find a lucrative position. Why are there no scholarships available for individuals like me?
I’m Rapunzel Ramirez, a Filipino citizen and I want to finish my studies here in my country. Is there any scholarship grant that suits me? I want to finish my studies as a Graphic design artist. I need financial aid to cover tuition fees. I really need to graduate and have a degree to work abroad.
I am thank full still these kind of opportunities exist to support people like us. I would very much appreciate if I can further discuss the possibility weather I could be fortunate to gain one scholarship to complete my education which will help me to be independent. Any country education will be accepted because I understand, I need a degree to get a job and support my life.
I had started my education long back ago but due to financial condition I had to stop it and to support my sibling’s education I started to work. If I can get this study opportunity I know I don’t have to depend on anyone and as I have good management skill, interpersonal communication abilities I can get a job.
Thank you very much in anticipation.
Hi I am a 44 year old woman that needs help. I got a divorce about 3 yrs ago. Then about a year ago I had surgery for skin cancer on my face and a couple months later they found a 9.5″ cancerous tumor on my ovary. Needless to say I’m still paying on this. I then recently lost my job due to them taking care of our branch office paperwork at Corp. There aren’t many jobs in Northern Wisconsin so I was thinking of doing online schooling for Medical Billing & Coding but I dont even know where to look for financial help. Almost all the money I get from unemployment is going for normal bills and my hospital bill. Please help!!!
I have 59 years old i need money for finish my School in Medical Assistant because i have financial aids but i don’t know what happen now i have to pay for to go for internship and for graduation.
I am very frustration i was students three years and do not have my certification.
Help me please
Hi, I have a unique situation, I am currently working in the banking field and making a good salary but am getting married and moving to an area that I can not remain with my company as I have to be in the corporat offices in pittsburgh pa and I am moving to Chincoteague Island VA, I wanted to go back to school for dog grooming as there are no groomers on the island and open my own grooming shop but dont know where to look for money to go to school that is vocational when I am making a decent salary. I have very bad credit from when I was out of work for 4 years so I can not get any student loans. Is there any help out there for me at all or should I just give up the thought schooling all thoghether?
I’m 55 yrs old with an Associate in Arts degree in Business Administration. I also attended college to study Medical Coding and Billing which I did not complete because of an illness. I stopped at the beginning of the 3rd semester out of 5. One month ago my job classification at the hospital where I work was eliminated and I was bumped to Environmental Services with a salary cut. Which my net salary now is not enough to pay my rent. I need a supplemental income, but most importantly I have
to go back to school, however I cannot afford to pay. I have good credit, but my financial obligations are great. I would like to get my Bachelors degree is there a grant that can help me? Patiently waiting. Thank you.
I am a 44 year old woman. I raised one daughter with health issues, and to interrupt my education many times over the years to care for her, or to return to work for the health insurance benefits. 4 1/2 years ago a contract management company I worked for had me move here for the job, but then they lost their contract, and so essentially I was left here with no job, and only a few months of unemployment to live on. I decided to use the opportunity to return to school. I applied for FAFSA and received student loans, and a Pell Grant. The local community college, allows up to 96 credit hours to complete your degree, or transfer program. The problem being, they include all “transferred hours” as well into that equation, and since I had gone to school previously over the years, I hit 99 credit hours before receiving my degree, and even though I paid out of my own pocket for the earlier schooling I had when my daughter was young, the school still denied me further student loans even though I qualify every year for it on the FAFSA website. I appealed to the college and was denied. I have not worked in almost 5 years, and am having trouble finding even a low-paying job because I have no degree to show for the time I have not worked. I need to finish my degree, so that I can move on to the next step of my education, and/or to get another job. I need a new source of financial assistance and do not qualify for bank loans. Does anyone know a legitimate source for my needs? Thank you.
I am a 49 year old women with some medical issues. I recieve general assistance, I recieve very little monthly from the state. I’m taking online classes for medical coding and billing. Ive been denied disability and I really need help finacially,I’m single, I was told I receive a pell grant but have no idea how much or when. I really need some help. Thank you
I’m a 23 year old female that has had to stop goin to school multipul times to take care of my son and other families and the more I try to stay in school the harder it becomes whether it’s from the fact that I have to support my family myself or moneys to hard to save for school.. I dont know what I should and shouldn’t apply for when it comes to grants because I have so many nationalities I don’t know which one I would actually get! If any one could give me any clue at to what I should do that would be wonderful thank you
Why is it always you have to had gone through some huge trauma as a woman or got knocked up in order to get help with school? Just because I didn’t raise a kid when I was 15 doesn’t mean I have the money to pay for a 30,000/yr tuition fee. I don’t get it.
Wow, entitled much? Apply for a FAFSA pin and get yourself a Pell grant. That should cover your first year at a community college. Then perhaps you should get a student loan and get a job. I didn’t get “knocked up” until I was 24, but waited until I was 30 to go back to school, when the timing was right for my family, and I could afford to pay for it myself. Money for college doesn’t grow on trees, so if you didn’t get an academic or athletic scholarship, and your parents are forking over the cash, you’re going to have to pay for it yourself. That’s life!
Hi there. iv just been serching for college fund, im a mother of 2 and pregnant. i found a wounderful college, and i can get all my studies done at home. i just need to find extra money so i can pay the other part of the college bill. and pay our rent. ( im unable to work due to slight dissablilities )
anyone know of any grant programs, or Other fundings. i would LOVE to hear it. go ahead and contact me at with any information that could help me provide for my little family. and finnish my goals! i want to be a good roll model for them
I would like to know if there is a place where a person can get a computer or laptop from an group or organization.
Please correct the AARP info. Applicants must be 50 or older, not 40.
This is so frustrating. When I was young, I couldn’t go to school, not with 2 babies, a husband who was in and out of jail, eventually being a homeless, single mom of 3. Then when I was where I could afford it, the job I had demaded too much of my time and I couldn’t attend. Now that I have time, I have no money. Of course, now that my current husband has less than 6 months in the military, I can’t utilize the opportunity that they provide to spouses. So, here I am, an older lady who is finding it difficult to find another job and would love to go back to school to do a job I love and provide dogs with the care they deserve. So frustrating!!
I am confused as to what to do?? I dropped out of high school and started working at 15 years old. I never found my way back since I had family issues, I just kept it moving. I have always been employed but now I recently lost my job but no longer want to continue that career it was very difficult for me. I want to go back to school and do something that will help others in a positive manner. I am now turning 48 and I just feel so lost! My husband had been unemployed for over a year and is having issues finding a position in his line of work. I want to go back to school to give me the confidence to find a solid position that matters!!! I need to finish high school and get on to college so that I can do what I really want to do!!! Is there a grant that does this?? Please advise….
My name is Barbara, I dropped out of school in the 12th grade moved to California went to work for the Government raised three sons. Their father passed away in 2006. Now I’m a grandmother three times and three on the way. my credit is so bad about to loose my car already lost my home. I feel like I’m a nobody I’m living off unemployment. I can’t get another job like I had I made very good money after 28 years and 4 months of service. Please let me know how to apply for a loan to get back in school
I need help looking for a grant to help me go back to school I am needing bachelor degree then master degree in library science. Please help the government don’t have a grant for someone that makes 35,000 a year this is my husband income not mine. I need this degree to be ready in case our director retires.
I would like to apply for grants to attend online schooling Can you tell me where and how
Hii…i woul like to have advice on how to get help to return school. I already have a lian to pay for 12,000, but i really want to go back to school but i need advice on this case. I would gladly receive any advice for me…tnkxx
hi my name is kari i am on social sercurity for seziers and i want to go to school for my grooming license and i need help paying for it if anyone has any ideas how to help me please call me at 1-779-200-1609 i am 28 yrs old and really want to do something without being on ssi all my life please help thanks kari
My name is Sarah Montgomery I have recently started to go back to school and am looking for other grants to pay for my education. I just started ctu about a month ago. I am on ssi and I don’t have a lot of money to pay for school, I had to drop from collage before and plan to finish this time. I do not know if I have enough grant money to finish my education. I live in mass. if anyone is interested in helping me please let me know 978-542-1902. right now I am pulling an a in my first class.
I would like to finish getting my B.A. degree in Business Administration. I am unable to attend college because I have reached my AGI limits, so the only way that I can attend school is grants, honestly I just do not have the money to pay for college out of my pocket. I need some help and direction on how to find some grants that I may apply for.
I’m 22, married and a mother of a 1yr.old. I’m looking for help to get a grant or loan for a CPT (certified personal trainer) school. I can’t seem to find anything. I am currently unemployed because I recently found out I could no longer continue my profession (hairdresser) due to health conditions. If anyone could please help me I would greatly appreciate it. The school is a 6month course and I would need a 5,000 dollar loan or grant. Thank you,
Hi Jessica. Have you tried applying for a pell grant? You very well may qualify. It’s called FAFSA. They do have a website. You just go there and apply. It would be a grant (which you never have to pay back) from the government.
Is there a grant for a woman 57 years old that wants to take and online course for. I can’t afford the monthly payments of 188.00. the course is approx. $1,000 and it would help supplement my current income until I could afford to possibly start my own business.
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I am a Kenyan, 22yrs old and a single parent of one son. I dropped out of school In 2010 December when I was expectant, I went back to college May this year and things are not working well for me due to lack of finance. I don’t have fee to continue with my studies therefore I seek an education grant to pursue my education.
I’m in a very difficult situation an could really use some help. I”ve been excepted to study criminal justice at Parkland College starting later this month but just found out I’m not eligible for standard financial aid. I attempt college once before when I was younger but circumstance got in my way and I wasn’t stable at the time. I’m now almost 25 and I take care of my 16 month old son Sean. His father no longer works and I have been a stay at home mom for the last 2years. I want to go back to school and get a career in crime scene investiagation. It’s my deepest wish to do this for myself an my son so I can make a better life for us but I can’t afford the classes on my own. I need to get a grant or scholarship but don’t know where to start. Can any one help me and fast???
Please and Thank You
I am a 66 yr old on Social Security, my husband still is working, but, due to my son being let go from his job and his trying to raise his Autistic child alone, I am looking at having to go back to work because of having to help them out so much, my money is getting low, and I would like to go back to school for accounting, but, I don’t have the extra money for tuition and books,not with having to help them so much, can you tell me what my chances are of getting a grant.
I have lost a good job about six years ago, I have been bouncing around jobs that aren’t the greatest. I just want to know if I could get any government help on schooling to become a dog groomer?
Can any of these grants help me with veterinary school? Also, I am an only American in my family whom came from Serbia (former Yugoslavia) Who can help me find financial aid in that department? No one has went to college and I need more than a minimum wage job to get by on my own. Any help would be great, thanks.
I am 43 years old. I have a story very similar. I worked in factory work until my job went out of business 7 years ago. I went back to school and got a job that I still have but it is going nowhere and the money is horrible. I have a lifelong passion to groom dogs. I need about $2000 to take a four month course. It isn’t alot of money but it is more than I have as I live paycheck to paycheck. I am not married and I raised my son alone. I am so determined to become an excellent dog groomer that nothing will wane my desire.
Did you ever find an answer to your financial questions?
I hope the very best for everyone writing on this post. Keep your beautiful heads up, we all can do this!
Hi, I’m 25, and I want to become a dog groomer. Im homeless and living in CA. but I found 2 schools in Oregon. Dog grooming is my passion, that’s all I think about doing. Need Help. Thank You
Hi my name is Zenobia. My daughter is almost finished her masters in Public Health.Her financial aid money has ran out. She have been the best daughter in the world to me, she has been looking out for me since her dad died. I would like to know how to find a emergency fund or grant money for her.She has given up her life for me because of my medical problems and now she has medical problems as well. She want to finish her masters in Public Health by April. She is already in a lot of debt for the first degree it would be ashamed not to finish her masters to help pay for the first degree. Why is that our children that do thing the right thing always suffer.I told her go the school make good grades stay out of trouble go to college.I told her all those things will pay off. They have not paid off yet and she’s been trying for over 10 years to get a good job. This country need to stop lying to these children about college. The college debt can ruin your life. I’m hoping she gets the money she need for her masters very quickly and she can get the job of her dreams and make more money. She would kill me if she knew I wrote this but she do so much for me I would love to be able to finally help her finish school. Love my child!
I recently became a single mother. I work full time and am struggling to make ends meet. I am looking into going back to school to become an ultrasound tech. I was told I could qualify for grants and what not. Here is the thing Im scared of doing things online and them being the wrong things. I want to know exactly what I have to do or who I need to or should talk to about these things to get the ball rolling. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mother of 6 seeking help to be able to finish college .
Im seeking to do a career in nursing .
I been a CNA since 2007 and want to further my education I love what I do and live to be able to help others as well .
I want to be able to help my children which I share 50/50 custudy love my children and want to continue to come along ways so I can help them, but I cant go to school and work ,since I have to be full time for clinicals for 1yr and would like to be able to make it financially, so I cab achieve my goal of being a successful mother and teach my kids everything is possible any help or ideas very well apreciated .
Hi I am a 33 yrs old woman lives in South Africa,gauteng province,I have matric certificate and would appreciate help to go college and study nursing I have an pre nursing certificate.Please any help or advice will be apreciated
Hi, my name is Danielle. I’m 18 years old. I have no job because I just moved back to san Antonio Tx. From Louisiana. Right now its hard for me I lost my mom. My 2 sisters. And my brother. I lost my hole family. The only person I have left is my Farther but he hasn’t been in my life for 18 years. I need help. I only had 11 years of Education before they kicked me out of school. I got kicked out because I was working 3 jobs. Its hard to find a job here in the city. I want to go back to school. I want to succeed in life. I want to show my family that I made it. But I’m alone and I need help . Education wise and money wise.
Hi Danielle message me plz so i know u r genuine and lets see what can be done
I am 38 years old African working mother of 3 children . have a higher national diploma in science and almost 10 years experience in QUality assurance.
i wanted to take a degree online course in quality assurance but doesnt have the funds to do that .
I very much will want to upgrade myself because of professional recognition.
This has put be behind my colleagues even with my experience because I have no degree
I have currently identified an online course but cannot afford to pay.
May God touch somebody’s heart to help
God bless all who will want to help
please am secondary school leaver because of financial problems i could not continue my education please help me continue me education
I’m a 29 year old mom of 3. I’ve been an at home mom since I was 19 and my first child was born. I have recently decided it was time for me to go back to school. I found a school with online courses that works out perfect for me. I want to go back to school to become a vet tech. The school I found was Penn Foster. The issues is they don’t accept grants. I can’t apply for FAFSA because it requires a school ID number, which Penn Foster does not have due to it being a school that allows you to work at your own pace. They said they accept private scholarships, but I’m having a hard time figuring out where to get started.
Im a 39 year old woman and would like to go back to school to get me an associates degree in case management for public social services, i just dont know how to start the process. Im a full time security officer and just need a different career path that has more advancement opportunities. Please help with any leading information that can help me with my career journey.
My name is Esther Helton I’m doing adult high school online at SCC is there any financial help out there for me if so please give me a call thank you
I’m a 38 year’s old single mother of three from Africa I left school Becoz of financial problems ,I work bt my earning is not enough to pay for kids and me the tuition ,I really need support to go back to school for the better future ,I will be happy when helped
Please HELP ME!!! I was just dropped the biggest disappointment from my school whom waited to tell me at the last minute I need over $4000 to finish school. I have been busting my butt off past few years and now I am almost at the finish line and to be told something of this has crushed my heart so and I have been stressed and depressed since because I don’t have that and my summer classes are around the corner. I am supposed to graduate in December and have worked extremely hard to maintain a 3.0 and stay on the dean’s list and I don’t want to have to give up now when I am almost there. I really want to finish this and earn my Bachelors of Science in Graphics and Web Design and I am begging that you consider me pleassssseeeee. God Bless you.