Student Grants

Back to School Grants

Back to school grants are sought by millions of displaced workers in America. The jobless rate in the United States is projected to be above nine percent through 2011, at eight percent through 2012 and will not reach a normal level of 5.3 until 2016 according to the Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan division of Congress.

Two reasons for such high rates of unemployment are: 1) output has grown at a much slower rate than normal for the past 18 months and 2) changes in the labor market are permanent. Most unskilled labor jobs that have been eliminated since 2008 will not return and the new labor market demands American workers to get an education to meet the needs of new markets.

A grant is money given to a prospective college applicant that is not repaid. The Federal Government has tried to help American workers by increasing the amount of back to school grants available. State, county, local governments, organizations and private industry offer more money than ever to those who want a degree that will train them to work effectively in the new labor market.

Government Grants

Most government grants are need based funds to help pay for tuition, books, fees and other school necessities. Even some living expenses may be included such as room and board and childcare services. Eligibility is determined through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (www.FAFSA.gov). You may complete the application online, by phone or through a financial aid officer at the school of your choice.

Your income for the previous year and the number of people in your family determine the amount of money the family can contribute to the applicant’s education and the amount of money the government will contribute. Most state and local governments make their determination of eligibility from the FAFSA report as well as some private companies.

Private Grants

Private companies who make grants available to adults attending college are often merit based grants. Many require a profile of the applicant’s work history, community involvement and the field the applicant wants to study. Need is also considered. The applicant may be asked to submit an essay on a subject chosen by the company.

For example, Edison International invested an additional $1 million in their efforts to educate and train workers in green workforce programs at California community colleges.

Nonprofit Organizations

There are thousands of organizations that offer back to school grants. Health organizations offer grants to people who suffer from diseases and disabilities related to the organization’s cause or purpose.

We have discussed the types of grants available to people in general. There are grants earmarked for a specific segment of people such as nontraditional women, minorities, returning adult students, the disabled and graduate students.

Education Grants for Nontraditional Women

In recent years, females have become the majority of college students. Females make up 58% of college students while only 42% are male. However, minorities and nontraditional female students continue to be under represented as college students.

Nontraditional women students are women who are entering college or trade schools for the first time or are returning students after many years of absence. Many have taken time off from pursuing their education to raise a family. In the meantime they may have worked jobs that needed no special training. Now that many unskilled jobs have been permanently discontinued these women find themselves without a job and without skills.

The federal, state and local governments have addressed the need to provide educational grants for nontraditional women. Government grants are need based so they do not target potential female students. However, most students in this category meet eligibility requirements because of their past earnings. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid determines the eligibility for government educational grants.

Merit based educational grants are awarded to nontraditional women by nonprofit organizations. These special interest organizations are working to bring more women into male-dominated occupations in science, mathematics, engineering, and other occupations where women are under represented. Though many of these organizations target women who have special skills, interests and outstanding academic abilities the need for money is also a factor.

One special interest organization that awards grants to nontraditional women students is the Jeannette Rankin Foundation Women’s Education Fund that awards women with $1500 to pursue an undergraduate degree each year. Another foundation awarding grants is the American Association of University Women. There are many other foundations that assist nontraditional women in their pursuit of a college education. A few of these foundations can be found at http://www.collegescholarships.org/grants/women.htm.

Education Grants for Minorities

A minority education grant is awarded to a minority student for higher education expenses. Many people have the mistaken idea that minority education grants are only for Hispanics and African-Americans. Minorities include ethnic groups and people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities and women.

Federal, state and local government education grants for minorities require recipients to maintain a minimum academic standard to be eligible. However, financial need is the main requirement for a minority to receive a back to school grant. If a minority has sufficient funds for college according to FAFSA s/he is not eligible for grants.

The ethnic groups eligible to apply for government financial aid are African-Americans, Native Americans, Hispanics and Asians. Women of any race who need government financial aid to help pay for a college education are also eligible to apply for a minority grant. Eligibility is determined by FAFSA.gov.
There are organizations that give education grants to a specific minority group. For example, the United Negro College Fund gives grants to African-American students. The Hispanic College Fund is a source for grants to Hispanic students. The National Federation for the Blind offers a variety of scholarship and grant awards for the blind. The National Association of the Deaf provides grants to graduate students.
Most organizations require the potential student to maintain at excellent academic achievement as well as financial need. Sometimes the grants are given for a specific purpose such as tuition or textbooks.

Education grants for minorities help level the playing field. With the opportunity to go to college comes the ability to procure better jobs. Better jobs lead to a increase in spending and more taxes to the government that provided the grant to go back to school. Minority education grants are good for the economy.

The first thing a minority must do to receive an education grant is to fill out the application at FAFSA.gov to determine financial need. The financial aid office at your chosen school can help you with your financial aid package.

Education Grants for Adult Students

Adults who decided to enter the workforce right out of high school instead of attending college may now find themselves as displaced workers. General Motors, one of the largest corporations in the world, offered thousands of dollars in buyout offers to their workers in order to weed out thousands of employees. These employees were also given the option to move out of town to other plants, but that meant spouses had to give up their jobs with no guarantee of finding a new job in a new place.

This is just one example of adults finding themselves in need of training and or college in order to have any chance of a job in the future. Mothers who stayed home to raise children or worked part-time while the kids were growing up are another example of adults who need to get an education or training.

There are grants to help fund the enormous costs of college education; however, it will take a great amount of research to find all of the money available to a potential adult student.

Government grants are available for funding a college education for adults. These grants are based on financial need. The process begins with filling out the application at FAFSA.gov.

In order to be eligible for financial assistance from the federal government for 2011-2012 your FAFSA application must be submitted by June 1, 2011. You will need information from your 2010 Federal Tax Return in order to answer the financial segment of the application. This information is used to determine how much your family can contribute to your college education expenses.

If it is determined that you are eligible to receive assistance you will know immediately after filling out the form and a determination will be sent to you by email.

The college or colleges you may attend will receive your information from the FAFSA application and they will put together a financial aid package for you. Many colleges have their own grants and scholarships to award adult students so you would be advised to visit the financial aid office of your chosen college to get a complete picture of your options.

Online schools are more popular than ever with adult students beginning a college career. Many grant programs have expanded their programs to include online training courses and colleges that are accredited by national and regional accrediting organizations. These grant programs base their awards on the amount of need for assistance a student has—the more need, the more assistance. Again, for more information contact the online college’s financial aid office.

If you are a member of a religious denomination you may qualify for a grant to go back to school. Though most religious denominations target high school juniors and seniors you may find an opportunity for adults to receive college funds.

Look for opportunities of college funding in your own community. Many businesses will band together to offer education grants because they realize that a better educated community brings a better local economy.

The company you work for may offer tuition reimbursement for taking classes that will help you get a promotion. Your company that is willing to invest in your education invests in future growth.

At one time financial aid was plentiful only if you were a high school senior; however, the new labor structure demands that adults willing to be retrained for the “new economy” can get financial assistance from the government and other organizations to go back to school.

Education Grants for the Disabled

Adults with physical or mental disabilities have been given the opportunity to receive back to school grants to fund their dreams of a college education. The federal, state and local governments and other organizations recognize the vast contributions disabled adults contribute to society when properly educated and trained.

Disabled adults cannot be discriminated against for financial aid. They are eligible to apply for any financial aid offered to other citizens. Colleges and universities do not discriminate against enrollment of the disabled. The law is on the side of the disabled adult who wants a college education.

Every grant available to all Americans who meet the eligibility requirements are also available to disabled Americans. Disabled students will fill out a FAFSA application to determine financial need. The results are available immediately and sent to the applicant’s email address. Results are also sent to the colleges you choose to receive the results. All government grants are need based though an average academic level is also required.

Disabled adult students have the added opportunity to receive grants from organizations and foundations whose sole purpose is to provide funds for a college education or specialized training. Blind adults are award grants from the National Federation for the Blind and the Jewish Guild for the Blind as well as many others. Deaf Americans have the National Training Institute for the Deaf and the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing plus others as advocates for their right to a college education.

Some of these grants are merit based and/or need based. The best source of complete information of grants for disabled adults is the financial aid office of the college, university or specialized school you want to attend.

Many colleges and universities offer their own grants to disabled students in the form of financial aid and support services. Since each individual college has its own offer to disabled students checking with the school you want to attend is the next step to take.

Education Grants for Graduate Students

A graduate student is a person who pursues a degree beyond the bachelor’s degree. Grants are available for graduate students through organizations, colleges and universities who want to help students to obtain a higher degree in a certain area of study. For example, the American Society of Microbiology Minority Fellowships is specifically for minorities who want a graduate degree in microbiology.

Other graduate grants for minorities are:

  • American Indian Graduate Center Fellowships
  • Cornell University Graduate School Fellowships for Minorities
  • National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science
  • Black Collegian Organization
  • and many more

Another possibility for graduate students who are looking for financial aid to fund their graduate degree is teaching and research assistantships. Assistantships are appointed to qualified college graduates who have met all the requirements to enter graduate school. Graduate students who hold assistantship positions are considered to be professionally trained.

Teaching assistants are chosen for their academic ability and promise as instructors who work under the regular faculty members.

Research assistants serve the faculty of a college or university while earning their graduate degree in their chosen field. Another category of graduate students is the special reader. The special reader reads and grades student papers under the direction of the instructor. The special reader has passed the course with a B+ or better.

Grants are gifts that help Americans fund their college education or special training with money that does not have to be repaid. There are thousands of grants available for people who want to go back to school in order to better their lives.

Government grants are awarded to any American who has a financial need, have a diploma or G.E.D. and meet an average academic level. The financial aid office at the chosen higher education institution will present a customized financial aid package based on the FAFSA report.

Private grants are awarded to prospective students by a determination of merit and/or need. There are thousands of organizations and private industry grants that must be researched and uncovered. The student willing to find a back to school grant for college will find thousands of opportunities for grant money.

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Student Grants, 4.67 out of 5 based on 3 rating


  • Reply Julie Brooks May 5, 2011 at 7:38 pm

    I am 36 years old and also have type 1 diabetes. I am unemployed and looking to go back to school to find a career not a job in the physical therapy assistant program at Hesser College. I just want to help people.

  • Reply Ernestine June 4, 2011 at 7:08 pm

    I have a associate degree that I study and attend West Viriginia WV. I am also have a disability.

    How may I transfer my credits and work onlinet00

  • Reply Anthony Brooks July 13, 2011 at 5:12 am

    I need help getting back in school. I’m 32 years old I’m trying to get a better job. My wife has battled cancer since we first got married. I had to work to pay bills. Now since I’ve been laid off from work I’m trying to better myself to get a better career. Can you please help.

  • Reply anne esposito July 24, 2011 at 11:07 am

    Desperate need for money for school

    • Reply Lanicea Y. Pringle August 29, 2011 at 9:31 pm

      I am interested in any and and all ionformation regarding grants for going back to school. I am currently entrolled in Muskegon Community College, Today 8-29-11, is actually my first day of school I am enrolled as a full time student and I am taking classes that add up to 12 credit hours, Please email me back letting me know what grannt I may qualify for.

      • Reply Jessica Bailey May 18, 2013 at 7:51 pm

        apply for the federal pell grant for free; you can get up to 5500/yr for school fees and supplies. good luck! by the way you will need your last years tax forms to complete the paperwork for the federal pell grant.

  • Reply Kacie Boyd October 4, 2011 at 5:32 pm

    I would like to get more information on grants.

  • Reply TRACEY CHAMBERS October 5, 2011 at 5:10 pm


  • Reply shayla ivie October 14, 2011 at 3:11 am

    Im Shayla Ivie and i need help going back to school. i am a mother to a 6 month old but would love to better me and my sons life by getting my nursing degree.

  • Reply Michael Flatau October 26, 2011 at 7:20 pm

    I am looking for a grant to assist me in going back to school…

  • Reply phillip sampson November 18, 2011 at 1:38 am

    I really need every bit of help I can get. I’m basically homeless.

  • Reply Patricia Johnson December 5, 2011 at 12:24 am

    I’m already enrolled in an internet education course of my choosing -not some canned program that is all I got offered when I put in so many hours looking for grants or funds to assist me with paying for $1,200 16 month writing course. Anybody had any luck in that arena.

    Another interest I’m diligently spending time with is any funding for much needed dental care and getting assistance from an agency on some replacement windows I didn’t have a chance to get the balance of them installed in my home before I became Disabled.

    Looking for any direction from any disabled that has any luck in education assistance in trying to get off Disability, any home improvements like I need a balance of 9 windows replaced in my house, and any dental assistance?

    Anybody had any good luck stories to share?

  • Reply Stacy Deon Bynum December 14, 2011 at 2:23 am

    i want to get back into school but i have used financial aid all i can and i dont have any funds to work with to get myself

  • Reply Jimmy Hamilton December 15, 2011 at 8:30 pm

    I have a BS in Business Administration and I am unemployee. I want to go back to school to get my MBA. But I need to find some grants to pay for school. Can I get some help?

  • Reply Ajibola Olusegun Joseph January 4, 2012 at 3:15 pm

    I am a Nigerian by citizen. Is this grant applicable to Non-American?

  • Reply Jonah Falieapiy January 8, 2012 at 10:19 pm

    I have few more classes to take in one semester and I can graduate but I can enroll because of my previous balance. Please let me know how to be accepted in any grants to help me enroll again in college and graduate.

  • Reply Royce Brown January 19, 2012 at 8:18 pm

    I am a 50 year old man that is furthering my education in the medical field. I have worked in the medical field for 15 years as a ER Tech . I am currently enrolled in a LVN program and need to find some form of assistance to be able to finish. Any ideas would be very helpful

  • Reply Shameka January 25, 2012 at 5:03 pm

    I’m a single parent of mt five months son, I’m trying to start school to better myself and to provide for my son. Please help me

  • Reply alexandra wences January 27, 2012 at 9:07 pm

    hello .. i graduated high school in 2006 i was the firs person who attended college in my mexican family i never knew it was going to be so expensice. since i was 14 years old i began working hard to pay of my school since my mother was a single parent i didnt want to ask her for any money. thank god i have pay each semester but i lost one year of school because i have no money to save up since i have a part time job y pay for my school and i help to support my mother. i want to become a techer, and a speech pathology. if i could get some extra help on books or at least a semester would be great..

  • Reply Egbuonu ifeanyi February 1, 2012 at 10:05 am

    good day to u all, am Egbuonu ifeanyi from nnewi Anambra state Nigeria. Am I.T computer engineer.please my aim of writing this letter is to ask for favour from u people. I want to finish education but i don have money to complete it. I which if u people can award me scholarship or any means to complete my study, i wouldn’t mind if am ask to work ur organisation after that. Please i look forward to hear from u soon, God bless u all thank u once again bye.

  • Reply DeWayne L Bruner February 7, 2012 at 7:53 pm


  • Reply Munyaradzi Njanje February 18, 2012 at 5:27 pm

    Iam a boy aged 18 years lost both parents from Zimbabwe currently staying in Malawi, but i am willing to go back to Zimbabwe to go and continue with my education, i left school in Form 1. So please if any one out there willing to help me to finish my education please help me.

  • Reply shirley blair February 23, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    I have the opportunity to go back to school next week. I have been unemployed since Jan. 2011. I draw 173 a week,which helps. I am 61 yrs. old. I need help taking care of my expences to and from school. The program is a grant which will be great. I need help with expences while I go to school for CNA1.

  • Reply Sedem Godzo March 13, 2012 at 12:45 am

    Good day to you all, I am a graduate of Senior High School and qualified to Ghana Ho Polytech. to Persued High National Diploma in Building Technology in last year 2011. I was given addmission and later withdraw for not paying my addmission fee. I am from the rular uraban area also due to the cause of single parenting I struggle to survive a day, but I said to my self that the battle is not over yet until the final whistile is brown so try had to look for job with my Senior High Certificate but to no avail. I later then enter into internet marketing all though I do not know much about the internet I try to promote clickbank product with my Affliate site but no income yet till I found this site today. Please I want to go back to school, your help will be appliciated may the good Lord bless you and your organization.

    • Reply Charity kaseka February 20, 2013 at 8:54 am

      Morning sir, I have been unemployed for 10 years. Based in Malawi. Don’t have a professional certificate. I want to go back to school as soon as possible. College already identified and fees to be paid straingt to the school. Need your urgent assistance please.

  • Reply Walter cruz March 22, 2012 at 10:26 pm

    I am 44 years old I had an accident in 2007 unable to go back to work. I have no schooling for anything us idid receive my GED in 2011 I really want to go back to school to become a funeral director classes start sept of every year but I also need my prerequisites I can’t afford it aim approved for disability but they sent me a letter that I won’t be receiving anything till 2016 I have 4 young girls and I can’t even buy them an ice cream cone unless I ask for a hand out Amanda should not have to live this way please help send me to school please.

  • Reply brenda warren April 2, 2012 at 7:54 pm


  • Reply rodrigo arguello April 26, 2012 at 7:12 pm

    need grant money or scholarship money to afford college I work full time and I do nightclass I dont want to quit school but I just cannt afford both

  • Reply Shelvia July 27, 2012 at 3:26 am

    I trying to get my high school and I need the money for the classes and the material
    That I will need for the class.

  • Reply Lakeia October 23, 2012 at 8:07 pm

    I’m trying to figure out how to apply for all these different scholarships. So far my journey has lead to many dead ends. Can anybody help me?

  • Reply ssaka dan November 3, 2012 at 9:34 am

    hello how are you am ssaka from uganda am an orphan 21yrs completed A level in 2008 and passed it well but failed to join university though am clever because i lack money for tution help me because i want to study to help my people in the community.

  • Reply Dawn January 7, 2013 at 3:16 pm

    I am trying to get my high school diploma and I need the money for the classes and the material
    that will be needed for the classes. Is there any help for this?

  • Reply Betty Haddock January 24, 2013 at 9:31 pm

    I am 57 years old, enrolled in a RN program. I have 6 months left before grad. I am unemployed and trying to get help to finish school… I realize my age will deter some, but I have 12 years of LPN nursing experience to give, and my grades are good. I plan to work full time when I grad. Thanks

  • Reply Michelle Vanek February 17, 2013 at 4:24 am

    I’m hoping somebody can point me in the right direction for grants and stipends fir sfhool.

  • Reply Lawrence G. Blair March 14, 2013 at 10:52 pm

    Looking to go to school to get my cdl worked const all my life but cant take being layed off a few months out of the year want something more permanent. Have a wife and kids and cant afford to collect every year

    need a more permanent job cant take being layed off 3 to 4 months out of the year

  • Reply Gayle March 27, 2013 at 7:15 pm

    My 40 year old brother lost his leg in a head on bike accident and needs to go to school to do something else since he was in heavy constrution. He know longer has an income. Has tried to do several jobs and isnt able to keep up. Can he get paid to go to school? I thought I once heard of such a program to reabilitate those who loose a lib.

  • Reply Thomas Hampton May 24, 2013 at 2:08 am

    I am a 50yr-old white male. There is nothing available for white men. We are getting screwed as women and minorities get all the help. I have two degrees and had to pay for them out of pocket. Now, I am working on a BS in nursing, and I will have to find a way to pay for that. I am an unemplyed student. I have spent several years paying off my school loans.
    Can a white man get a break?
    If you have any ideas please respond

  • Reply Sam Lo July 18, 2013 at 1:42 am


    I have not received a Grant before, this is all new to me. I am very focused on my goals for my future, to receive a Grant would be a blessing to my life to pay for school completely. We all have visions for our futures whether they be selfish or unselfish everyone sees themselves in a better place than they are in now; truth be told! Dedication is more important than saying “hard work” you can work hard and never really move from the position you are currently in. Some would disagree. Guess what I want to be?! 🙂

  • Reply phumzile June 18, 2014 at 12:57 pm

    I left school in grade 11.i want to further my studies but I don’t have money

  • Reply Jennifer clark August 7, 2014 at 5:01 am

    Do you help under privileged kids with back to school shoes clothes or supplies?? If you do may i please sign my 2 girls Jamie age 15 and Jazzie age 12 for helps please we really need helps this year i recently became disabled and i dont make enuff for anything on disability and i am having the hardest time ever getting them stuff for going back to school !! If you do have such a program we would be forever greatful for any helps at all !! Our phone number is 5414509019 and our address is 1129 nw sunset Grants Pass Or 97526 Thanks for your time and any helps!!!

  • Reply Arthur Robinson December 18, 2014 at 6:22 pm

    I am looking for a grant that would allow me to go back to school for my G.E.D.
    I am 59 HIV positive, I have a history of High Blood Pressure, but I need to get a better education so I can get a better paying job. I was lost for years started drugs and drinking at the age of 12 , their was no direction in my life and I was sexually abused and grow up confused and scared. Now that I am clean from drugs and alcohol life is not easy, I have to work my car keep breaking down I was just out of work for 18 days because my Blood pressure scared me and my doctor. But it is under control now. I return to work Monday. But I need to improve my education status so I can help other’s who are experiencing, life as I did. Can you direct me to the proper place for help? Thank you

  • Reply bryon lincoln March 28, 2015 at 11:02 pm

    thank you!

  • Reply eric sanders July 27, 2015 at 11:21 pm

    i love the website so im feeling that im ready to go back to school again like high school in the antelope valley i will choose a school like antelope valley christian school and antelope valley college i been to troy high school in fullerton ca for two years i was graduate in the summer of 2006 yes im 31 yrs old its my life my dream to go back to school again so i won,t be distracted so i will find myself a new girlfriend blonde and single that i may get a school i.d. alumni book yearbook and many more that why i care about school that all i love schools

    i was graduate at the fullerton high school football field is call troy high school me and my friends was graduate in summer 2006 i was part of the class of 2006 and yes im 31yrs old i field like i want to go back to school again and learn lot of education like p.e.math science history english drama lot of class i want to make my 2nd year of school because i miss it that why i miss my former school call troy high school in fullerton please pray for me take me to school that i want to make new friends and new girlfriends i want to go back to school one more time

    i love school i want to come back to school and get a dipolma and a school i.d. card plus yearbooks and another graduation party then hang out yes again im 31 yrs old believe me

    thank you

  • Reply Nancy January 17, 2016 at 8:32 pm

    I was just wondering if there’s any financial help for me available to help me receive my high school diploma ..I’m 40 years old and married but I have very little income due to many monthly bills, I can’t find a good job because everything these days ‘requires a high school diploma. And I’m interested in bettering my self ..can anyone help me?

  • Reply Glinda M Foxwell September 11, 2018 at 11:13 am

    Need a lab top for class i am in ged class and i work alot

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